Adjustable, ergonomic, flexible FitStrips™ make finishing, polishing, and IPR easier than ever
FitStrip Interproximal Finishers offer a complete solution for a variety of clinical procedures. Twist the unique color-coded barrel and blade adjusts from flat to curved for interproximal contouring and finishing. Convenient removable handle improves visibility and patient comfort in posterior areas. Progressive system makes orthodontic interproximal reduction straightforward and easy. Also ideal for cement removal and cleanup during crown and bridge procedures.
The FitStrip Starter Kit includes:
- (2) 0.05mm serrated
- (1) 0.08mm single-sided super-fine
- (1) 0.10mm single-sided fine
- (1) 0.13mm single-sided medium
- (1) 0.18mm single-sided coarse
- (1) 0.11mm double-sided super-fine
- (1) 0.15mm double-sided fine
- (1) 0.21mm double-sided medium
- (1) 0.30mm double-sided coarse
- (2) handles
Steam autoclavable to 270°F.