Cavicide1 2.5 Gallon Refill

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Price $102.99
PR $92.69
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Kill TB and 25 other microorganisms in one minute

CaviCide1™ Surface Disinfectant Decontaminant Cleaner is a multipurpose, non-bleach, low-alcohol solution that kills TB and 25 other microorganisms in just one minute! Increase compliance, decrease risk of cross-contamination and quickly prepare for the next patient. Tuberculocidal, bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal. Ammonium chlorides in 15% isoproponol and 7.5% ethanol quickly kill TB, MRSA, HIV-1, HBV, HCV, Staph and more. Safe for use on non-porous surfaces. Fragrance-free. EPA registered. 2.5 gallon refill.

Not available for air shipment. For sale in lower 48 continental U.S. only.