Have you ever had to fish the last few anesthetic cartridges from the bottom of the can? Store them in an Anesthetic Cartridge Holder and spend those minutes doing more important things. Three concentric storage rings prevent cartridges from falling over and laying in the bottom. Reach them all quickly with one hand - right down to the last one. Tough see-through acrylic construction with airtight lid included. Holds 50 standard 1.8cc carpules. 3 1/2" diameter.
1 Review
Markham, Ontario, Canada
Re: Anesthetic Cartridge Holder It has come to my attention that local anesthetic solutions are degraded when exposed to florescent lighting. Perhaps you could make the holder out of a light blocking plastic material like that of Item 70-19613 or from metal. The cover should fit loosely and have a small handle. Just a thought.
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