WireGuard™ extends the life of delicate digital sensor cables by preventing tangles and kinks
During normal operation, digital sensor cables kink, coil and bend. Heavy objects set or rolled over them can damage their insulation. Over time, this constant wear can cause a short that makes them inoperable, costing a fortune in repair or replacement.
Invented and proven in a busy practice, WireGuard extends the life of sensitive digital radiography sensors by protecting cables from damage due to kinks and compression.
Its ideal resiliency helps maintain and return the cable inside to a more linear position. Prevents uncontrolled coiling, kinking, bending, knotting and tangling - and saves frustration too! With a slit down the entire length, it installs over any cable in minutes and stays in place for the life of the sensor. Medical-grade silicone construction withstands all surface disinfectants. 3⁄16" inner diameter. Each kit is complete with parts and instructions for one sensor installation. Made in USA.
Note: WireGuard does not replace the sensor manufacturer's warranty or maintenance plan. The user assumes full responsibility and liability for proper application and use of WireGuard.